Austin, Texas

Structure Law Group, LLP is a full-service business transaction and business litigation law firm with offices in Texas as well as California. Our firm is streamlined to meet the needs of both growing and established businesses. We also help entrepreneurs access investment capital for their startup ventures.

Our representation includes legal advice and representation in corporate law, business transactions, business litigation, startups, intellectual property, commercial real estate, mergers and acquisitions, alternative dispute resolution, entity formation, blockchain and cryptocurrency.

SLG business attorneys represent Austin businesses throughout their entire lifecycle, helping them secure investment funding, establish their corporate structure, acquire assets, and more.

Business Litigation

At one point or another, your business may face a dispute either with a customer, another business, or one of your employees. It is important to have an experienced legal team that can successfully resolve the issue with minimum damage to your company’s reputation and bottom line. SLG’s lawyers for over two decades have provided top-quality business litigation services to companies of all sizes.

SLG will exhaust all possible opportunities to avoid costly litigation and pursue alternative dispute resolution. When necessary, our trial attorneys will defend your company’s interests through litigation.

Business Transactions

Transactions are the backbone of every business. Whether you are purchasing intellectual property, managing customer payments, or negotiating employment contracts, business transactions potentially expose your business to vulnerability, and yet a business cannot remain solvent without them.

SLG represents clients at every phase of a transaction. We can help your company negotiate fair terms that ensure the interests of your company should an asset depreciate. We conduct due diligence investigations on potential acquisitions. We will ensure that you understand the risks intrinsic to the transaction and can prepare yourself for potential pitfalls, and address them before they result in a dispute.

Construction Contracting & Payment Claims

It’s a shock to everyone when a development project doesn’t end up in a dispute. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways of managing inevitable disputes as they arise. The Austin, TX business litigation attorneys at Structure Law Group will help your company minimize its liabilities, handle claims, and avoid the costs of litigation when possible. SLG will help your company develop a proactive strategy to keep the project moving forward and avoid substantial losses due to contractor problems, budget shortfalls, and more.

Corporations Attorneys

The corporate attorneys at Structure Law Group’s Austin office have years of experience helping startups secure funding, drafting operational and corporate structure agreements, overseeing employment contracts, acquisitions, mergers, and more. We also help clients with entity formation including LLCs, corporations, professional partnerships, foreign entities, s-corporations, and general partnerships. We also assist in the purchase of other companies, assets, financing, franchising, stock issuance, merchandise agreements, and document review. With a strong foundation provided by decades of experience in the tech industry, SLG can help your venture establish a strong foundation encouraging years of growth.

Debtor and Creditor Rights

Disputes emerge constantly involving unpaid debts or aggressive creditor action. If your company is currently struggling with debt, SLG can help you explore your options to settle the debts without it driving your company into bankruptcy. If bankruptcy is inevitable, SLG can help you file for bankruptcy and represent your interests during the bankruptcy process. Alternatively, if you are having difficulty collecting a debt from another company, we can help you pursue that debt using all legal remedies available. SLG can help you avoid payment of a debt that was incurred under suspicious circumstances. We can further help you recover a debt from a non-paying company or customer. If your company is currently struggling with unmanageable debt, we can help you avoid dissolution in bankruptcy.

Employment Law

When it comes to employment law, SLG attorneys can help your Austin business or startup draft employment contracts, employee handbooks, and create effective policies related to hiring, promotion, and termination. This will help your company avoid costly employee lawsuits, damaging reputational issues, and government scrutiny. We can help your company defend itself from harassment lawsuits, hostile work environment lawsuits, discrimination lawsuits, and ADA lawsuits. We also represent companies accused of wage and hour violations, workplace injury, and OSHA investigations. An experienced ATX employment law attorney helps vulnerable companies avoid lawsuits that can damage their future.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Some companies want to grow on their own while other companies employ acquisitions as part of their overall business strategy. SLG represents the interests of both types of business in Austin, TX. Each acquisition comes with inherent risks. SLG’s Austin, TX mergers and acquisitions attorneys provide due diligence on potential acquisitions and assist our clients at every stage of the acquisition. These include the sale of the business, asset sales, joint ventures, buy-outs, and more.

Real Estate

Even if your company’s only interest in real estate is finding a place to operate, Structure Law Group can provide indispensable advice on signing tenant agreements and getting the most out of your lease. For other businesses, the acquisition of real estate is the bedrock of their business model. SLG can help advise businesses on purchases, rental agreements, tax issues, purchase contracts, appraisals, inspections, and more. SLG’s Austin real estate attorneys can help your business pursue its interests and avoid costly pitfalls.

Startups and Financing

Are you starting a new venture in Austin, TX? Structure Law Group has provided decades of experience for startups in Texas, and California. With access to four of the most significant tech hubs in the United States, SLG can help your venture secure funding from top investors and venture capitalists interested in your project. We have experience helping companies establish IPOs and ICOs. Our goal is to represent your business through all phases of its lifecycle and ensure that you’re legally protected from potential legal problems that can emerge from investor agreements.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property accounts for 38% of America’s GDP. Three-quarters of America’s exports are non-tangible assets. The net gain is $6.6 trillion in added economic value. The annual revenue from non-tangible assets continues to increase year after year. For businesses in the tech sector, intellectual property is even more important.

SLG’s intellectual property attorneys can help your Austin business enforce its property rights, establish its property rights, and sell or acquire intellectual property. Our Austin attorneys have experience managing trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, and licensing agreements. In order to cash in on a new innovation, you must act quickly to protect your interest in your software, website, or marketing materials. We can help your company establish a strategic plan for maximizing profits related to an innovation.

Our attorneys have helped hundreds of ventures grow and thrive. Protecting your interest in your intellectual property is among the most important factors in securing your company’s future. SLG has the experience it takes to ensure your company protects its most important assets.

Client Reviews
When it came time to setting up a corporation for our law firm—which does not do corporate work—I trusted SLG to set us up and keep us compliant with corporate requirements. Their reputation is pre-eminent among attorneys. Law Firm President
Thanks to Structure Law Group for orchestrating a difficult project and for interacting with the counter-party with an effective combination of both gravitas and finesse. Result: the Impossible became Possible. Gated Clock
They diligently analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of our case and when the other side did not see it the same way, they did not hesitate to go to trial where we won a complete victory. Real Estate Developer
We had a difficult situation with a problem employee. SLG had the perfect blend of strategy and diplomacy to sever the relationship and minimize any and all potential fall-out. We would highly recommend turning to SLG for any employment-related issue that comes up. Employee Benefits Consulting Company President
SLG's attorneys have helped guide us through four lawsuits, waiver forms and other documents set up to help protect our company. Karting Company CEO